Investment Strategy

My Investment Strategy is a completely customized tactical asset allocation investment service, with enhanced planning and reporting.

  • Risk Management is the cornerstone of the Strategy.  I employ a unique form of technical analysis with traditional fundamental research to provide advanced risk management strategies.  It tells us whether we should be focusing on wealth accumulation strategies or wealth preservation strategies.  This combination of analysis can help you:
    • Reduce Risk
    • Preserve Capital
    • Generate Wealth
  • I provide a comprehensive solution overlaying accounts of various types including your registered, open, joint, spousal, trust and personal corporations.
  • A comprehensive lineup of investment choices in stocks, mutual funds and ETFs.

Causes of Price Movement

Market and sector forces together cause 80% of the price movement in a stock.  That means the company fundamentals account for less than 20% of a stock's price movement.  This is the reason a company's stock price sometimes seems to move independently of the fundamentals!


Source: “The Latent Statistical Structure of Securities”, Benjamin F. King


Typical Resource Allocation

Most people, however, spend 80% of their time on stock evaluation and only 20% on sector and market evaluation.  In other words, they ignore where the greatest amount of risk lies - the market and sector forces.

The Five-Step Game Plan

Step 1: Market Analysis

Step 2: Sector Analysis

Step 3: Fundamental Research

Step 4: Technical Research

Step 5: Continual Follow-up